Suffixes With Ful and Ly Er Less Ing Est Able Funny Sentance With Suffixs

Adding the suffixes -ful and -ly

Learning focus

To understand how to add the suffixes -ful and -ly to form new words.

In Year 2 , students are aiming to:

  • add suffixes to spell longer words, including -ment,
    -ness, -ful, -less, -ly


Suffixes are letters that can be added to the end of words to change their meaning.

Adding –ly

Adding the suffix -ly , turns an adjective (a describing word for a noun) into an adverb (a describing word for a verb).

For example: nice becomes nicely.

Watch this short video to learn more about adding the suffix -ly.

Watch this video on how to use the suffix -ly

Let's look at those spelling rules for adding -ly to the end of a word.

  • If the word already ends with -y , change the y to an i before you add the -ly.

For example: happy becomes happily.

  • If the word ends with -le, drop the -le and add -ly.

For example: terrible becomes terribly.

Adding –ful

We can add the suffix -ful to make new words too.

  • Adding –ful changes a noun to an adjective (a describing word for a noun).

For example: joy becomes joyful.

There's a spelling rule for adding the suffix -ful too.

  • If the word ends in a consonant + y , change the y to an i before you add -ful.

For example: beau ty becomes beaut i ful.


You may need paper and a pen or pencil for some of these activities.

Activity 1

Let's add -ful

  1. Read the words in the table below then write them out, adding the suffix -ful.

Top tip: Make sure you added 'ful' and not 'full'. You only need one 'l'.

word add -ful
  1. Now read the definitions below.

Can you match up the -ful words you've made with their meanings?

1. When someone has succeeded at something.

2. Something full of wonder.

3. Something with a lot of colour.

4. Someone with a lot of power.

5. Somebody full of hope.

6. When someone tries not to make any mistakes.

7. Someone who helps a lot.

You can check your answers using this answer sheet.

Activity 2

Let's add -ly

Add -ly to the following words to create new words.

Adding the suffix -ly , turns an adjective (a describing word for a noun) into an adverb (a describing word for a verb).

You don't have to copy out the whole table. You could just write a list of the new words.

Top tip: Remember, if the word ends with an -le or -y , take off these letters before you add -ly.

Add -ly to create adjectives Add -ly to create adverbs
love + ly = lovely brave+ ly = bravely
friend + ly = polite + ly =
live + ly = quick + ly =
cuddle + ly = slow + ly =
giggle + ly = tired + ly =
wobble + ly = clear + ly =

You can check your answers using this answer sheet.


Can you use an adjective that ends with -ly and an adverb that ends with -ly in one sentence?

For example: I pulled my wobbly tooth out carefully.

'Wobbly' is the adjective and 'carefully' is the adverb.

Activity 3

Let's add -ly or -ful!

Read the words in the list below.

  • use
  • love
  • pain
  • play
  • quick
  • slow
  • mind
  • clear

Some you can add ly to. Others you can add -ful to.

Copy out the table below.

Write the words in the correct box to show which suffix can be added.

This first one has been done for you.

Words I can add -ly to Words I can add -ful to
1. Love ly

You can check your answers using this answer sheet.


Can you write a sentence using some of the new words you've made?

For example: The lovely puppy was very playful.

Where next?

In this lesson, you have learned how to add the suffixes -ly and -ful to create new words.

To learn more about adjectives and adverbs, you could look at:

There's more to learn

There's more to learn ...

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Adding the suffixes -ful and -ly


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